Care-Less Fitness: A Beginner’s Guide to Working Out at the Rec

Graphic by Anneli Paulson

Working out at the Rec can seem intimidating, especially if you are not a 300lb bodybuilder. But being able to frequently work out is a great way to destress and empower yourself. Plus, you are paying a $500 student services fee, so you might as well use the Rec to get a good workout in.

If you are anything like I was when I first started going to the Rec, that is, more self-conscious than I was in middle school (which says a lot), here is a list of the most helpful strategies that made me feel comfortable working out.

The first and most important tip is to do what makes you feel most comfortable. When I first started working out, going to the gym with a friend helped me feel less alone! Plus, if you feel like you have no clue what you are doing, at least you’ll feel clueless with someone else.

Aside from not being alone, wearing clothes that make you feel comfortable and confident is a must. Whether it’s an oversized band t-shirt and leggings or a sports bra and athletic shorts, feeling your best helps you lose a lot of excess workout anxiety.

One of the worst things about going to the gym is people. So, the next tip is to avoid them at all costs. But seriously, going during the middle of the day from around 10 am to 1 pm is a great way to avoid worrying about other people around the gym. 

Another way to avoid people if you don’t have copious time in the middle of the day (I see you 20 credit STEM majors) is to go to the North gym. If you head up to the second floor, take a left, and keep walking, it will be an enclosed room with two floors. The North Gym is functionally a mini Rec center, and it is a lot less crowded. 

If you want to start lifting, especially if you are on your own, avoid the benches and squat racks because they tend to be more difficult for beginners and generally require a spotter. Instead, focus on using free weights and machines adjustable to your abilities. The Rec dumbbells have a pretty wide range of weights available, meaning they’re a great place to start!

Making an extensive list of all the possible workouts you could start with would be nearly impossible. However, there are already so many resources on the internet and TikTok that can provide you with step-by-step instructions. Some of my favorite creators for workout inspiration are Madison Hoover, who has a lot of beginner-tailored content, and Laci Renee, who is a self-described (and literal) “fairy gym mother.”

The last tip is consistency, consistency, cons- I feel like you get the message. The first one, two, even ten times will feel daunting. But the more you go to the gym and solidify your workout routines, the more at ease you will feel with the equipment and working out. 


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