Practicing Mindfulness

Let’s talk about mindfulness. What’s the buzz? Mindfulness aims to bring about inner peace tailored just for you. It goes hand in hand with self care. There are numerous ways to practice it, and there’s really no wrong way of doing it. Making time to center yourself and simplify can bring about feelings of calmness and increase well-being.

Find Inspiration

So, how can you integrate mindfulness into your everyday life? One of my favorite ways is to write an inspiration list. Usually, at the beginning of each month, I’ll write down what’s been sparking creativity and what I see being common themes in the upcoming weeks.

Guided Meditation

Another way to be in a state of mindfulness is doing a short, guided meditation. Meditation is a resource that can provide balance to support emotional well-being. It can seem super daunting and feel as if you need to devote a big chunk of your day to it, but that’s not the reality. There are many 5 minute meditations that can be accessed through Spotify, Apple Music, and YouTube. It’s a great way to start your day, or if you need to take a quick break from all the hustle and bustle.

Express Gratitude

Gratitude is also a great way to set intentions for the day. When I wake up in the morning before going on my phone I say at least 3 things I am grateful for. It can be something as simple as being able to sleep in and have a slow morning, or maybe that iced matcha latte pick-me-up. A little gratitude goes a long way and is a reminder of the pockets of joy in life.

Ways I Practice Mindfulness

  • Saying my gratitude to start my day off 

  • A short guided meditation to center me, resources include youtube and Spotify 

  • Writing down intentions for the week ahead

  • Getting outside 

  • Inspiration lists 

  • Movement or stretching 

  • Writing down themes at the beginning of the month 

  • Making time for self-care, whether that’s skincare, watching your favorite movie, journaling, or spending time with friends 

  • Putting your phone away before you go to sleep 

  • Write yourself a love letter 

  • Listen to your favorite playlist 

  • Recaps

The best thing about mindfulness is that it’s open-ended, and it’s something you do for you. Exploring different ways to apply mindfulness to your life encourages you to be more in tune with yourself and focus on what’s important to you!


Author: Elizabeth Keller


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