Have fun and do it publicly

Graphic by Rory McNamara

Going out, dancing and having fun for everyone to see is a powerful form of resistance in this political climate. 

For me, scrolling through Instagram and news feeds can be tiring and anger-inducing. Despite that, the alternative is not to check out and refuse to pay attention to the news. The alternative is to find a balance. 

You must find ways to express joy. One of my favorite ways to have a good time is to go out and dance, and there are many proven benefits to this.

To preface, It is okay to be a homebody and to prefer a night in. Although, going out, showing up and having fun with friends is not only great for you, it is great for the economy. 

Nearly half of money spent locally is recirculated locally compared to less than 14% of purchases at chains, according to the University of Minnesota. When you buy something in a local place, such as a bar, the money is more likely to stay within the local economy. More revenue and local jobs are created for local businesses.

Dancing itself has great health benefits. Those who dance more have less risk of heart disease and dementia compared to other activities such as swimming and running, according to the Washington Post. Additionally, dancing has social aspects that produce oxytocin in the body. 

In the Twin Cities, there are many places to go out and dance. For one, a lot of people love going to Jetset, a dance club in Northeast Minneapolis. 

Eleanor Vap, a junior at the University of Minnesota, loves Jetset as it’s a great place for her to decompress, and said no one there has ever made her uncomfortable.

“In today’s day and age, it makes me happy to experience the little things in life,” Vap said. 

Zoe Meyer, a senior, is in the same boat. Meyer said they love Jetset because they feel safe to go there as a queer person. They feel other gay clubs are too male-dominated. 

To Meyer, expressing joy and spreading love is very important to progress as a society. 

“Especially as a queer person, my right to have these spaces and to enjoy them as such was fought for!” Meyer said. “Joy and love is what keeps us going through times of oppression. Now is no different. Fight and scream during the day, and dance and kiss and sing the night away. Keep loving so you can keep fighting.”

People also love AVA in the North Loop, a slightly fancier dancing bar. 

Michaela Bialek, a senior, said the atmosphere in AVA is amazing. With around 20 disco balls, there is plenty of space to dance. The only downside –  waiting in line to get in because of their one-in-one-out rule. 

Bialek, much like me, is also exhausted by relentless news headlines. Going out and experiencing joy takes her mind off of it. 

“It allows you to forget, even if it’s just for a second,” Bialek said. “Instead of reading horrid headlines or worrying about the state of our country, for a small second the only thing you have to worry about is dancing like nobody’s watching.”

Emily Alexander, a senior, loves dancing at the Kollege Klub (KK). KK is close to her apartment, it has a comfortable college environment and, in her opinion, they play good music. 

Another great place to dance and have fun is Basement Bar in the North Loop. Ryan Hess, a senior, said the bar plays great music and it also is a good place to chat. 

When considering going out to dance during this tough time, Hess is reminded of the meme “Dimitri finds out.” In the meme, he said, “but I digress, the club is bumping, the ladies look good, and the alcohol is flowing. There is much pain in the world but not in this room.”

At the end of the day, you can find joy in anything you choose to do. I think it is wise to show up and have fun in your community. It is good for everyone.


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