How to Assemble Easy Meals: Student Edition

It seems like one of the most time consuming tasks that come with living alone is figuring out what to cook. For many college students, this is the first time living away from home and being self-dependent for cooking and homekeeping. At some point, we all run out of ideas. Not only is cooking time consuming, once you start grocery shopping you realize how expensive food really is. In the interest of helping, I’ve compiled a list of budget friendly and easy-to-make options for meal ideas. 

First things first, the grocery stores near campus are either really expensive, basically bare, or both. This aside, many do offer some staple ingredients that can be used for a number dishes. They also typically have options for frozen food (every college student’s best friend). But if you’re looking for a wider selection, there is also the option of online shopping for groceries and having them delivered to your place. Platforms that offer this service include DoorDash, Instacart, and the delivery option from Walmart. 

Tip 1: Pasta

Something that is both fulfilling and really easy to make is pasta. You can make it in a multitude of ways: just cook the noodles and put on whatever sauce you prefer. You could do it mac-and-cheese style or plain old buttered noodles. Pesto is one of my favorite touches. Accompany that with an easy salad and you’re set for a cheap and filling dinner. If you want to incorporate some protein, chicken is very easy to make. 

Tip 2: Chicken

Other easy meals and quick to make are anything involving chicken. A personal favorite of mine is teriyaki chicken, paired with white rice and some greens. Simply cook the chicken in the stove and pour some teriyaki sauce over it. Serve with your favorite sides and youre set! (If you don’t eat meat, this one can easily be substituted with tofu) 

Tip 3: The Basics

Finally, there’s the staples. Grilled cheese sandwiches, turkey sandwiches, and quesadillas are all easy to make and require no more than four ingredients. 


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