Golden’s Declassified Tunnel Survival Guide

Graphic done by Aysa Tarana

As the temperatures drop, so does the willingness of many students to venture outdoors. Simply walking to class can start to feel like trekking through a frozen tundra. The University’s solution to this issue is their climate controlled tunnel system. However, is this solution really as easy as it may seem?

The University of Minnesota’s tunnel system, dubbed ‘The Gopher Way’, offers students safe walkways to avoid the icy cold conditions while journeying around campus. Unfortunately, many students feel that the

tunnels are a little too maze-like. Nevertheless, these tunnels can be extremely beneficial to the students who take the time to learn how to navigate them. Without further ado, here are a few tips and tricks when it comes to making your way through The Gopher Way tunnels: 

  • Have a map of the tunnels pulled up on your phone! If (when) you start to get a little out of sorts, it’s always a good idea to have a visual to rely on.

  • Keep an eye out for the circular maroon and gold Gopher Way signs that guide you along the path. Note: some tunnels go up and down floors! Look out for the direction of the arrows on the signs.

  • Make sure to have your U-Card handy—some access points require you to scan through as a safety precaution

  • Most tunnels are open  8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. Timing does vary by location, so be aware of signage indicating business hours within the tunnels.

  • Some areas within the tunnels can be more difficult than others to navigate. One tricky spot to be aware of in particular is the Church Street Garage. It can feel as though this area leads off into a few different directions, so make sure to pay close attention to the signs and a map to keep you on the right path.

  • Grab your friends and make an adventure out of figuring out how to get from one point to another! The more you use the tunnels, the more confident you will feel maneuvering through them.

  • Remember that everyone has gotten lost in the tunnels at some point, so it's more than ok to ask for help along the way!

Although navigating the tunnels may seem like a daunting task, overcoming the learning curve is completely worth the cozy walk The Gopher Way has to offer. Believe us: getting lost your first few times in the tunnels will pay off as the weather only continues to get colder. Besides, you’ll get to know them like the back of your hand after just a couple trips. Being able to minimize your class commute time while also avoiding the numbing Minnesota cold is an opportunity that is very hard to pass up. Overall, learning how to navigate The Gopher Way is a low risk way to protect yourself from the even lower temperatures. 

Find more information about The Gopher Way here! Happy tunneling!


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